Asparagus Ribbon Salad with Honey, Mustard, and Lemon Balsamic Dressing

Asparagus Ribbon Salad with Honey, Mustard, and Lemon Balsamic Dressing

Serves: 4
Prep time: 10 minutes




  1. Prepare asparagus ribbons by shaving them lengthwise with a peeler, or finely slice them with a knife. 
  2. Combine asparagus ribbons, almonds, and herbs in a large bowl. 
  3. Mix all the dressing ingredients in a small bowl. 
  4. To serve, drizzle the asparagus salad with the dressing and toss to combine. Adjust seasoning if needed. 

Ne pas préparer cette salade à l’avance car les asperges vont trop s’attendrir dans la vinaigrette. C’est pourquoi il est préférable d'ajouter la vinaigrette uniquement au moment de servir.